During the last hunting season we once again found our wolves under the threat of extinction...
Why you may ask...I'll tell you but first let me tell you about the wolf and its constant battle for survival against all odds and humans.
Wolves had been hunted to near extinction all over the world in the last century because of its perceived threat to humans and their farming stock.
This is a fallacy and the disinformation is used by the farming and hunting coalitions to exterminate these wonderful predators.
Wolves are no threat to matter what the government say, no matter what the farmers or the hunting coalitions say...wolves have a natural suspicion of humans and there is not one certain case of a wolf attack on any human that was not initiated by the human.
In all history only two cases of fatal attacks were reported and both these cases were clouded in doubt.
Wolves are needed for our Eco systems, they weed the unhealthy animals from the wild creating strong gene pools. But the wolf is under threat, the government deem it sufficient to wipe out our current wolf population, claiming genetic problems as the reason, they promise to restock our beautiful mountains again from migrating wolves from Norway, Finland and Russia but this is a lie..these migratory wolves are killed by hunters before they can settle..some before they reach the border.
The government claims 220 wolves are enough to sustain a healthy gene pool.....they buy scientists to back them...but they also claim the current 200 odd wolves have already got genetic is all a lie.
The plan is to wipe out the wolf population...the legacy of our children will be wiped out by government for the sake of their blood sport.
The Wolf Army say no....
we want a wolf population of at least 2000 strong (scientifically sound number for a good gene pool)
We want all sport hunting on wolves banned
We want all tourist hunting on wolves to be outlawed
We want the wolf of Sweden and the rest of the EU to be listed as endangered.
We want a separate body of qualified citizens with the interests of the wolves to control the do's and don'ts regarding the wolves and that all their decisions and actions be transparent to the general public.
We want a flourishing wolf population to keep our Eco systems healthy.
The government must work out a system for reimbursing farmers who loses livestock. That is a small price to pay for guarding this magical creature that is the wolf.
We want a positive wolf educational program denouncing all the nonsensical myths so that our children can learn to appreciate the wolf for what it really is, a magnificent creature that is necessary to all our Eco systems.
Support us in this effort
They are the only wolves we have..there is nothing to replace them.
Vincent Kennard
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